Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Guild Gathering been a while le.long time we don hav guild gathering .Anyway dont 4get to say welcome back to crystalmeth ^^

Pro Raiga ^^

Hehe............tat shadow look so gay and noob ^^ white hair again like grandpa.

Killer !!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Ah 8 ( 8lader ) sure KS people one still wan to show off ^^

Monday, November 30, 2009

Level 60 War Map !!!!!!!

Prepared By : Wei Ren Kai
( 8lader )

10 = corner between 12 and 9
2 = corner between 12 and 3
8 = corner between 6 n 9
4 = corner between 6 n 3

Thursday, November 26, 2009

War !!!!! Lets Kill Capella !!!!!

happy o not see us stick so close together ? finally got teamwork among guild leh after suffer for so long time.
anyway dont overconfident !! in order to win we must continue to have teamwork .^^

KageRaiga Legendary Hero

Guild Rank : Previous kageRaigaXLokuJuu Guild Master
Name : Ada90
Class : Force Archer ( FA )
Info : She is the legendary FA in raiga.b4 she leave she is the strongest FA in lvl60
till now still not yet come back to raiga.

Pop History Chapter 1 :Pop Losing time

This is the sad history of lvl60 procyon !!!! We lose every WAR !!! cap very happy to pawn us !!
This where the beginning of the Kageraiga.The original creator of lvl60 pop leader Guild Ada90 ,start a guild to collect all the pro tat stay in first only got shadownemesis,stainer & xoxoxo.3 of them stand n fight till last breath till now.Ada90 hav to leave us bcos of schoold here come the new leader who lead All Raiga tat is Namiruko in the pic nami still short hair !!! now long hair le ^^ .Everyone of us try our best to fight till last breath.until we c the light of victory .

Guild Interaction

Eventhough we keep winning but we never relax.We still in training to face the real fight.Real War not yet start !!! still got a lot of ally havent join us.So do the absent of lvl60 cap leader make war not interesting.

Winnig Record !!!

This is the fourth week of our winning streak !!! so far if i in the winning rate is 100% ^^
Happy to see other member improved a lot also.
Suzaku Guild improved a lot recently !!! Pls work harder to be the best in lvl 60 pop !!!

Guild member Introduction session 2

Guild Rank : SuzakuXLokuJuu Vice Guild Master
Name : Littlefb
Class : Force Blader ( FB )
Info : Well balance in war n pvp.she is a def mode FB in guild

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New member !!!!

Guild rank : SuzakuXLokuJuu Shield Of Genbu
Name : Lainly
Class : Force Shielder ( FS )
Info : currently is an apprentice FS . But well in NW & wif certain good playing skill.

Guild member Introduction session 1

Picture 1

Guild rank : KageRaigaXLokuJuu Guild Master
: Namiruko
Class : Force Blader ( FB )
Info : Currently is the strongest or can say is the ' best killer ' in lvl60 Procyon.

Picture 2

Guild rank : SuzakuXLokuJuu Guild master
Name : 8lader
Class : Blader ( BL )
Info : The Best Tactician or strategist in lvl60 Procyon.Well in Tactics and strategy in war.Can say is No .1 in Tactics.And got a nickname call " Shooter "

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Guild Photo

Haha !! This is my first few guild photos.Not all of the member in this few photos.If got chance i will post all member in one guild photo. hehe !! This is only a few photo to introduce our guild .

Hello !!! here is all about KageRaigaXLokujuu & SuzakuXLokuJuu guild This is a Procyon Guild for lvl60 nation War in CABALSEA online.

This is a picture when we win the lvl 60 Nation War !!!